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Tour De Vaap

A compilation of music from 417

Tag Archives: Kate Faust

kate faust

As I finished up my incredible internship today everything came back full circle.  On my first day of work, I wrote a blog post about an incredible Philadelphia artist Kate Faust.  Now, on my last day, she came into the studio to record a session for us.  Seeing her again reminded me of her incredible skills and her stunning slow-burner, “Heartbeat.”  Taking a page from the R&B minimalism of James Blake, Faust soulfully sings over minimal drumbeats, subtle synths and her own backup vocals.  As Faust slowly builds in intensity, we rise with her, almost physically feeling her cries for connectivity.  The simple but elegant video takes place in her parents house, as Kate moves from room to room, sitting and singing in the quickly approaching dark.  Faust is a master of minimalism, crafting beautiful work on little more than emotion and a powerful framing melody.  Check out the video below and listen to her first EP here.


Kate Faust – Heartbeat:

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