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Tour De Vaap

A compilation of music from 417

Tag Archives: Indie Pop


West coast girls seem to dominate music’s past.  Since before the Beach Boys, artists have been singing the glory and beauty of the tan, fun-loving west coat girl.  Well now the east coast finally gets its chance with Cayucas.  True, this band is from California, but their summery sound has stretched across states to create a bright and upbeat song about a young girl who’s moved to the east coast for college.  Ok, so technically it is about a west coat girl, but I’ll take it.  The sound is somewhere in between Local Natives and Dirty Gold, full of handclaps and jangly guitars.  With their warm sound, it’s hard not to listen without moving to this danceable beat.  Check it out below and see if you don’t catch yourself listening on repeat for a while.  Their debut album Bigfoot is out April 30th

-M. Kauf

Cayucas – East Coast Girls

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Perfume Genius, the stage name for Mike Hadreas, released his second studio album, entitled Put Your Back N 2 It, back in Feburary. I recently got the chance to listen to it and although I’d heard some tracks from Perfume Genius first album, Learning, most notably “Mr. Peterson“, this album definitely turned me into a fan. Mixed with soothing strings, simplistic piano backdrops and a sweeping and soft voice, Perfume Genius makes one reminisce of lovers lost and life’s sad beauty. This album, with lyrics that can make you weep, is perfect for relaxing and thinking things over. If you like Youth Lagoon, Broken Social Scene or older Sufjan Stevens, I definitely urge you to take a listen and be caught into Perfume’s genius melodies. Enjoy. – D. Gold

Hit the Jump for Perfume Genius’ European Tour dates….

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After such an amazing debut, I was worried they couldn’t do it again.  There was no way they could recreate something so succinct, simple and beautiful.  But it looks like I was wrong.  Very wrong.  Or at least that’s what the new xx demo leads me to believe.  “Open Eyes,” the dark and mellow single released today, features nothing more than an echoey guitar and washed out vocals.  It’s as if The xx was calling to us from a distance, reminding us that they’re still here and still as good as ever, marching towards the new year with a great new album.  Maybe I’m reading into this demo too much, but either way I’m very excited about this Christmas present.  Check out the video above and download the song is avaiable for free on their website.

-M. Kauf

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“It’s okay to say you’ve got a weak spot
You don’t always have to be on top”

L. Jones recently showed me a video by Marina and the Diamonds for her song “I am not a Robot,” released on her 2010 debut album The Family Jewels. “Robot” is a soulful alternative-pop plea for the acceptance of vulnerability. My favorite line, “can you teach me how to feel real,” utilizes auto-tune for both an audible and artistic effect, one of the many aspects that make me keep coming back to this song.  Though the music video only features medium and close-up shots of Marina, creative make-up makes a aesthetically elegant accompaniment to this incredibly catchy track. Hoodie Allen’s, “You are not a Robot” is an awesome response that makes a great tribute to Marina through a sped up sample coupled with dubstep beats. Check them out both below.

– M. Hoff & L. Jones

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Annie Clark, under the name St. Vincent, currently has me mesmerized with an early release off her yet to be released album No Mercy (Sept. 13th), Surgeon. Starting off with droning synths, Clark sets the stage for an electro-pop adventure, hooking you immediately with the drop of slow and steady beat and smoothly sung lyrics. After each plea, ‘best find a surgeon, come cut me open,’ the song descends a little deeper down the rabbit hole. It ultimately descends into a chaotic climax of electronic and sampled elements that I can’t get enough of. Check out the song on the video or her website posted below. -M.Hoff


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Last spring, one of my favorite albums of all time came out.  This album was made by a young band of recent high school grads (one still in high school at the time) named Avi Buffalo.  This Long Beach California group led by guitar virtuoso Avigdor Zahner-Isenberg immediately won me over with their quirky lyrics (see “Summer Cum”) and beautiful sun-soaked melodies.  Now a little over a year after their amazing debut release, the band has released their first new material in a while, a single called “How Come.”  While the song still retains the same reverb guitar and falsetto voice of the first album, this new song sounds…more mature.  It’s like Hendrix moving from Are You Experienced to Electric Ladyland (N.B. Avi Buffalo and The Jimi Hendrix Experience are two completely different bands and I am not trying to place them on the same plane, merely compare sound development).  This new song sounds slightly darker, more like a rainy day you wanted to go to the beach rather than that sunny day you’d hoped for.  It’s a great addition to their catalogue which has brought me joy for countless hours.  I highly recommend you check out this band’s material (“What’s In It For” is a great place to start).  If this new song is a hint at what the next album will sound like, I can’t wait. – M. Kauf


Avi Buffalo – How Come:

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As the weather warms up and its starts to feel more and more like summer, one’s personal soundtrack needs to change just as much as their wardrobe. That’s why this band, The Love Language, although releasing their two albums, The Love Language and Libraries, in 2009 and 2010, respectfully, is the perfect band to accompany a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Incorporating classic indie pop vibes with the washiness of lo-fi, the Love Language brings out the excitement of the summer and the need for all to hang in there, for it can’t come soon enough. Check out the songs, Lalita and Providence, from their self titled album and hear for yourself. – D. Gold

The Love Language – Lalita

The Love Language – Providence (live on

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